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Breast Pathology

Diagnostic Breast Pathology That Makes a Life-Saving Difference

The breast pathologists at Pacific Pathology Partners study breast tissue to detect the presence of disease and assist in therapeutic interventions.

The proper interpretation of biopsy results is crucial to making the optimum decisions regarding the treatment of breast cancer and other breast diseases. Pacific Pathology Partners stands at the forefront of the battle for breast health, committed to providing patients with the best opportunity to defeat disease.

Our dedicated team performs a wide range of advanced tests evaluating breast cancers and other lesions of the breast, and expertly analyzing a variety of specimens, from core biopsies to fine needle aspirations (FNA). We take a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary approach to the diagnosis of non-neoplastic and neoplastic breast disease and consider various prognostic and predictive factors when recommending therapy. In addition, we maintain a database of breast cancer biopsies for two major hospitals in the Puget Sound area, using samples for patient instruction and education as well as for multidisciplinary conferences.

Pacific Pathology Partners plays a critical role in the case management of breast cancer patients. Our consultations include the interpretation of test results, discussions about prognosis, and the exploration of all therapeutic options. Patients previously diagnosed with breast cancer or breast abnormalities are welcome to contact our laboratory for a second opinion to ensure that the best diagnostic and treatment decisions are made.