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Partnering with Physicians to Achieve the Best Possible Health Outcomes

Pacific Pathology Partners is an international leader in diagnostic discovery that provides clinicians with rich diagnostic information enabling them to optimally treat disease.

Pacific Pathology Partners is spearheading the movement toward personalized, patient-centered medical care. Not only are we diagnosticians, we also partner with physicians to educate and treat their patients as well as guide their therapeutic decisions. Our commitment to reinvigorating the role that pathologists play in healthcare teams has led us to develop innovative new technological solutions that strengthen the connection between patients, healthcare providers, and diagnosticians.

As an international leader in diagnostic discovery with a breadth of experience and knowledge, Pacific Pathology Partners provides rich diagnostic information that enables doctors to effectively treat disease and helps patients maintain their health. We offer a full range of patient-centered diagnostic and assessment services, leading to earlier diagnosis and more tailored treatment.

The integrated team of diagnosticians at Pacific Pathology Partners is made up of expert pathologists who are board certified in their subspecialties. Trained at the finest academic institutions around the world, our highly experienced pathologists are committed to providing the utmost level of testing quality and personalized medical care. We maintain open communication channels with both patients and their healthcare providers, striving to empower patients with a deep understanding of the disease process.

Uniting Pathologist with Patients

Pathologists are key players in healthcare teams. Our pathologists are committed to being accessible and available for direct consultation.

Uniting Pathologist with Patients

Partnering with Physicians

Not only are we diagnosticians, we also partner with physicians to educate and treat their patients as well as guide their therapeutic...

Partnering with Physicians